Part of my work as an intuitive and psychic medium is channeling direct writing and spoken messages from the Other Side.  This often occurs privately in one-on-one sessions and small group classes, where the messages come from deceased loved ones, guides, angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, archetypes, galactic beings, Mother Earth or any other being of light who is called to come through with healing information or a bigger perspective.  Sometimes it occurs through the more public format of writing I am meant to post and share with others (as with the 2016 election channeling).

In 2014, I started channeling messages in writing from a group of people on the Other Side I am connected to karmically and have been working with for over a decade.  These souls chose to be celebrities in their most recent incarnations, specifically to learn particularly challenging soul lessons.  For more information, please read, “What Are These Channelings About?”

  • These souls are a particular group of Lightworkers who are meant to help raise the vibration on a much grander scale. They are meant to bring healing through joy and laughter, as well as through giving voice to and expressing the much harder emotions of pain, anger, shame, guilt, grief, fear, etc.  Most are empaths, intuitives and channels; their souls’ higher healing function is to translate the huge range of human emotion and experience in an accessible and relatable way for the masses.  They are Processors and Translators of the Human Experience.
  • These souls also choose this particular path to work on their own deeper soul lessons and heal accumulate wounds from long patterns of past life struggle with these lessons. Some of these soul lessons, as associated with the chakras, include (in brief):
  • ROOT: struggle with fundamental belonging, safety, security and acceptance among humanity
  • SACRAL: issues with balance and flow in all areas of life; emotional health and regulation struggles; addiction issues and abuse of sexual energy wounds
  • SOLAR PLEXUS: self-worth, empowerment, self-confidence, self-trust issues; personal identity issues around public versus private persona
  • HEART: struggles with unconditional self-love and self-compassion; issues with loneliness and lack of true, healthy, authentic connection with others; ongoing mental health issues (depression, anxiety, etc.)
  • These channelings are about these people’s specific soul lessons, discussed in a more universal way – in a sense, these souls are still translating, but from the Other Side and with a much bigger spiritual perspective.

The channeled messages are in italics, and are not edited or influenced by me in any way.  I do share my own thoughts and background on each channeling to give some context.  That being said, it is best to read these posts from the earliest date onward, as they are progressive.  I truly hope the messages help others as they have helped me.