• Time Investment: eight -two hour classes, and then for ongoing support as needed
  • Classes meet every other week
  • Small group setting

In my decade+ journey of personal and professional spiritual exploration and practice, one thing has repeatedly stood out to me – the great need for connection, community and support among Lightworkers.  Many of us incarnate into families or populations where this work is not believed, discussed or even accepted.  A great number of my clients feel very isolated on their spiritual journeys, and have not experienced the fact that they are incarnated among a vast sea of lights energetically networked together to raise the collective vibration.  I am very passionate about providing community and mentorship for the Lightworkers I encounter, wherever they are on their path, and it is a great pleasure to teach these mediumship classes and watch the soul-connections grow and develop among my students.

Please contact me for details and to find out when the next available round of classes will be starting!  I put each group of students together intuitively; the classes are small- to medium-sized to ensure a feeling of safety, trust, energetic connection and emotional support.

Topics cover a variety of psychic and mediumship self-development issues, depending on where everyone is in their spiritual journey.  These include, among other subjects:

  • The five “clairs” – ways in which we all receive psychic information
  • The seven chakras, their psychological, emotional and spiritual symbolism, and how you can incorporate them in readings and healings
  • Guides, angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, galactic beings, Mother Earth, oracles and other spiritual helpers
  • Self-trust, personal empowerment and perceived safety in this work
  • Energy management, balance and self-awareness on this path
  • Importance of self-awareness, personal responsibility and continually doing your own healing work
  • Boundaries, safety and intention: “negative” entities, lower vibrations, earthbound spirits
  • Balance between a spiritual path and living day-to-day on this planet
  • Support around incorporating spirituality into professional work (for therapists and other helping professions)
  • Psychometry and other types of psychic readings
  • Other topics as needed and as I’m intuitively guided


  • Time Investment: 8- to 10-week classes which meet online via video, in varying capacities and frequency
  • Small group setting via video

Because of the growing need for community and connection among Lightworkers at this time, I’ve expanded my teachings to online classes which allow for participants across the country, utilize Zoom (video) sessions, and allow space for students to connect, grow and work together in their spiritual and psychological healing and development.  I put each group of students together intuitively; the classes are small- to medium-sized to ensure a feeling of safety, trust, energetic connection and emotional support.

Currently I’m offering a course entitled “Your Empowered Soul Journey: Understanding a Healer’s Deeper Soul Lessons and Reclaiming Your Light,” with topics including:

  • Basic introduction to spiritual terms encountered on this path, including mediumship, empath, Higher Self, etc., and what they mean for your journey
  • Definitions of the Five Clairs, the Seven Chakras, Oracles, Spiritual Helpers, and many other concepts which will aid you on this path
  • Importance of understanding the power of past lives, soul lessons and deeper patterns of soul trauma that can affect us in this current life
  • Importance of understanding how deeper relationship contracts and soul groups work, in relation to present and past lives
  • The importance of self-trust, intention and personal discernment on your journey
  • Building personal empowerment and self-worth on this path
  • Importance of self-awareness and continual self-work on this journey
  • Developing grounded self-confidence in yourself and your gifts
  • Energetic and emotional protection, boundaries, hygiene and balance


  • Time Investment: one-day, retreat-style trainings which meet for approximately 6 hours, for each level
  • Small group setting

Please contact me to find out about the next available class for each level!  I put each group of students together intuitively; the classes are very small to ensure a feeling of safety, trust, energetic connection and emotional support.

Topics cover a variety of concepts and experiential practices, depending on where everyone is in their spiritual journey.  These include, among other subjects:

  • Reiki’s definition/origin/symbols
  • Chakras and their definitions, and using Reiki in correlation with their energy
  • Reiki and crystals (crystal grids, etc.)
  • Reiki and animals
  • Incorporating Reiki into individual healing practices (therapy, hospitals, etc.)
  • Healing with Reiki using Aura Clearing techniques
  • Honoring your intuition and medium abilities in conjunction with Reiki
  • Healthy energetic and emotional boundaries around Reiki (including the topic of “protection”)
  • Possible past life regression focusing on a time where you were an energy healer
  • Meditation to connect to your guides and angels for messages
  • Other topics as needed and as I’m intuitively guided
  • And lots and lots of hands-on practice with your classmates!


  • Time Investment: one-day, retreat-style workshops meeting anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the type of class
  • Group setting (size depends on class topic)

When, after subletting for years, I found my own office (or rather, it found me!), I knew the very large, beautiful space was meant to hold healing spiritual and therapeutic classes for the community.  New topics and ideas are always being channeled, but below are a few I am offering now:

  • Inner Child healing (intimate, retreat-style workshop, combines the spiritual and psychological)
  • Life-to-life soul lessons and relationship contracts
  • Past life healing around various themes
  • Chakra connection, balancing and healing
  • Vision board and abundance
  • The Four Cornerstones of the Soul Journey for Healers
  • Connecting to your crystals and pendulums
  • Connecting to Mother Earth
  • Spiritual Support for Therapists: Integrating the Spiritual and the Psychological

Book a Free Intuitive Consultation

**Prior to scheduling for ANY individual work, group classes, workshops or Reiki trainings, I will conduct a free initial intuitive and therapeutic assessment call with you for approximately 30-45 minutes via phone. 

  • For individual work, this allows you to share your story and identify why you are seeking help, and I can assess where you are in your therapeutic, healing and spiritual journey. I also begin to receive intuitive information on this call, which will help us decide what would best serve you at this point in your process. Should we both feel that you would be better served by one of my colleagues, I will be happy to refer you out.
  • For group classes, workshops and Reiki trainings, the calls help me intuitively place students together based on their energy and where they are in their spiritual and healing journey.
  • PLEASE NOTE:  My office is located in Arlington, MA, but I regularly work long-distance with clients across the country (and internationally) via FaceTime, Facebook Messenger Video or Skype video sessions. The deep healing work remains the same whether in person or over video, and I can send distant-Reiki during the video session.

Learn about the modalities I use in my sessions HERE.