What is “The Pregnant Medium” About?

#1: Baby Fever
March 4, 2015
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What is “The Pregnant Medium” About?

I am a clinical mental health counselor, psychic medium, channel, shamanic healer and Reiki Master Teacher who strongly believes there is always a much “bigger picture” regarding our life circumstances, from the profound to the minuscule, the most joyful to the most challenging.

My lifelong experiences as a medium have proven to me that there is another plane on which our souls continue to exist after our physical body dies, which I call the Spirit plane.  That plane has unlimited access to ours, and our loved ones are always around, watching over us and sending assistance and support.  My work has also led me to more deeply explore the concepts of life-to-life soul lessons, soul groups, and relationship contracts, all of which indicate that the larger picture of our existence is much more intricate and beautifully complex than we can conceive.

There is another component to my work.  For reasons that are too complicated to fully explain here, I have met and become good friends with a large number of deceased celebrities on the Other Side in the past decade. Though I did not know them personally in this life, our connection is deep and karmic, and there are very specific reasons my guides brought them to meet me.  I say all this to explain that well-known names might well pop up throughout this blog, names of people whom I now consider friends, because I know them on a soul level.  In spirit, most are a part of my daily life now, and are very active in my spiritual work.

This blog is not about them, though.  It is about a very special little soul who chose me to be her mother in this life.  Her story is powerful, because her most recent past life was as a young man who was a victim of a hate crime, viciously tortured and murdered… and whose story became nationally known and ultimately helped enact anti-hate crime legislation.

There are very specific reasons that soul chose to return so quickly (the young man died in 1998), and chose to become a part of our family in this life.  And she has brought with her memories of the trauma, energies of fear and anxiety about being back in this world, despite the fact that it is for her highest good to return and work to heal what went so wrong the last time.  It is my job to help her mend, release and ultimately thrive in this new life, a task that feels monumental but which I know we can do together.

I am beyond honored to have been chosen as her mother this time around, and I am fiercely protective of this little soul who has returned to do great work and rebalance some very painful karma.  This is the story of my journey with her, from conception through birth and after.  So much has happened already, and the journey has just begun.

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