#5: My Girl
April 25, 2015
#7: The First Anniversary
October 8, 2015Last night I had dinner with a long-time friend who also happens to be very intuitive. We were just planning to catch up, but as often happens when we get together, the messages from Spirit started flowing. This time, she was the channel and I was the receiver – and the information was about my future children. Lots and lots of information. Much of it I had heard before from other medium friends and also from her, as well as through conversations in my own meditations. But there were some new details that caught me off guard, and made me ponder the deeper reason for the reading.
I have known for a long time now that our little girl is going to be an agent of change in this world, and a force to be reckoned with when she matures. I can sense her power already, and know that she is coming back into this world to affect some much-needed global healing and change. I’m not sure how, but this information has been given to me repeatedly over the years. I also have known she will be incredibly intuitive and psychic, and part of my contract with her is to help guide her development and teach her how to manage those gifts. She will be skilled far beyond what I can do, I’ve always felt this. And though it intimidates me, I am honored to be the one to help her navigate that part of her life.
Last night I learned that her little brother, whom I have also felt and seen around and who might come quite quickly after she does, is to be her quiet strength and support in this life. The reason so many of my medium friends felt I would have twins is that their energies are intertwined in the same way – in fact, I feel they have been twins more than once in other lives. So not only will they be born very close together in age, but they share the complementary energy of Yin and Yang. They balance each other beautifully – while she is feisty and energetic and full of passion and ideas, he will be her quiet sounding board, her constant support, the one she goes to when she can’t sort through all her stuff. He will follow her every step of the way on her journey, because this time around it’s “her turn.”
My friend received the information that in one of their past lives, in ancient Rome, the soul who will be my son was a powerful military general or a senator of some sort, and our little girl was his younger sister. She was humble and led a quiet life, but she was his constant support. He was ambitious and accomplished a lot in that life, and she was his conscience and his heart, keeping him balanced. This time around, he is here to balance her when she gets caught up in her passions and drive to make things happen. It’s a lovely story of balancing karma, and a great example of what commonly happens from life to life between souls.
All of this information was lovely, and made me so happy. Unfortunately, the reading then took a darker turn, and this is what I am processing now. I was told that because my little girl will radiate so much power in this life, even as a baby, she will attract lower negative energies and those who will try to disrupt her soul path and draw her power in a different direction. This sounds a little like Star Wars, and whether she will use The Force for good or evil, and of course it isn’t that dramatic. But my friend said there would be real threats to my baby, both in spirit and physical form, when she will be too young to handle it.
She warned me to energetically protect my child before we leave the house each day, to be careful whom I allow near her and especially whom I allow to hold her, and to not place her crib near a window. She also got an image of a specific woman who will appear kind and sweet, but should not be allowed anywhere near my child because she is part of the darkness. I was warned that at night, things would try to come to my child because she is a beacon for all kinds of energy and beings, and though she is ultimately protected, she will need to “face off” with one of these entities to develop her reputation as someone not to be messed with among the negative forces.
As my friend talked, I found myself triggered back to a difficult time in my own spiritual journey, where I thought I was dealing with lower, darker energies. It was a two-year period of spiritual fear, distress and isolation, and though it was a long time ago and I have learned much since then, I realized last night that I am still vulnerable to that deep fear. And fear is what actually creates most of these lower energies. The power of our own fear is incredible – we manifest so much more than we realize, if we live in that vibration. Healing my fear, owning my strength and empowerment, staying grounded and radiating confidence are incredibly important for balance and peace.
Mindset also makes me vulnerable. This is what I realized last night, as I was heading home. If I spend the rest of my pregnancy fearful and anxious and surrounding myself with the energy of expectation regarding these lower energies, I will manifest exactly that. If I spend the first year of my daughter’s life incredibly worried every time we leave the house, every time I put her to bed, I will draw to us those energies I fear the most. My fear will become the beacon, and the power of my thoughts will manifest exactly what I most wish to prevent.
So this is why I believe I was given all of the more “difficult” information. Not to instill fear, dread and powerlessness within me, as a parent, but to test me on my ongoing lesson of positive intention and manifestation – and the power we all have to shape our realities. It has worked with the pregnancy, and I believe I am to practice it in this area of my life as well.
My friend said, as we were leaving, that none of this was set in stone and the energy of it all could change by the time my girl is born. I’m counting on it. And it’s up to me, which is ultimately a very empowering thing.