Spiritual Writings

March 24, 2015

#4: Bigger-Picture Connections

Tomorrow I will be 8 weeks pregnant, finally hitting the two month mark.  Strangely, it’s been easy to forget I’m pregnant, except that I still get cramping […]
April 25, 2015

#5: My Girl

Two days ago we officially found out we are having a little girl, which confirmed everything I’ve been feeling for the past three months – not […]
April 30, 2015

#6: The Power Within

Last night I had dinner with a long-time friend who also happens to be very intuitive.  We were just planning to catch up, but as often […]
October 8, 2015

#7: The First Anniversary

We are at eight and a half months already, Week 36, and I can hardly believe how time has flown by.  It has been the best […]